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THIEN eDrives GmbH

Showroom Lustenau

The entrance area of THIEN eDrives GmbH’s headquarters in Lustenau is intended to be both a brand space and a showroom. Employees and visitors consciously experience the company’s identity in guided tours, meetings, training courses or as part of the corporate architecture.

The space makes it possible to address different target groups: for dialogue, in topic and product communication and, subordinately, as a reception area. The foyer is located at the interface between internal and external communication and brings together (potential) employees, customers, partners and the public.

The aim is to effectively communicate THIEN’s corporate values with an overall architectural, content-related and didactic concept – an inviting combination of entrance area and first description of what the company offers.

Theme structure and product presentation take centre stage. The use of existing design components and the graphic design in combination with digital touchpoints, create the visual image. The focus is on the presentation of the company. Conceptual simplicity with an economical yet high-quality design for an open and clear message. Visual order and a clear structure guarantee clarity and recognition. At the same time, the design creates both atmosphere and clarity, expressing THIEN’s expertise as a specialist.

Daniel Keck

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